Hello All!
Welcome to my tiny little pocket of the internet, so glad you could join me! Chances are, you do not know me personally, I will not expect you to knock on my door asking for milk, so please allow me to introduce myself, orginnaly a wanderer from Ireland, I graduated from Griffith College, Dublin with a Bachelors degree in Photo Journalism, it currently sits at the bottom of a cardboard box, I plan on unpacking it one day, so I can put it on my wall, and, stare at it? A few months after I graduated, my boyfriend and I moved to Bristol, England, where we heard outrageous fairytales offering glistening job positions with heafty pay packets. Within a few months of moving,I found myself single and after a few bottles of whiskey and hindi kush, ready to mingle [ don't ask ]. After a year, of shiny, pretty thing deprivation, I had enough dosh to shift my arse to sunny Australia, turns out moving aboard require's an attention span exelling that of a squirrel, unlucky for me, but I made it in the end. I must admit, I did not use my bathtub for 2 months, in fear of being killed by a jellyfish in need of some soap. I call Melbourne home, for now. I am getting the itch to move again, I am quite intent with moving from place to place for the rest of my life. Blessed with a Gypsie's heart. But for know I work at an underground recording studio / record shop in Melbourne. Some of the friendliest beards I have met, have been in Melbourne, I must say I am in love with where I live, and am completely content with the hormonal weather! Although Europe is looking devastatingly tempting at this point in my life. This require's money. . . . hmmmm. My soul dwells in the past, my heads in the sex, drugs and rock and roll clouds of the 60's and 70's. I am never one to turn down a glass of Jameson, or a the wise words of a Bohemian.
Keep the World free, so we can continue Rocking!
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